
Plugins were designed to be trivial to create. While you can use our plugins, we encourage you to create your own to fill the needs of your projects use cases.

Plugins can define schema, typically in the form of directives, as seen in the @sdr/controller plugin. They can also emit code as seen in the @sdr/raw-fetch plugin.

A plugin is a single ts file that exports a plugin function and a config object:

import {PluginConfig, PluginOptions} from '@sdr/core';
export function plugin(options: PluginOptions, config: {baseClientLocation: string}) {
export const config: PluginConfig = {
dependsOn: ['@sdr/controller'],

PluginOptions contains an array of types, which are graphql types that have at least one directive. Each type contains all the declared directives, and all of the fields within it. Your plugins will iterate through these types and emit code as needed.

For complex plugins we recommend using ejs as a template language.