
The sdr cli looks for a sfc.yml config file at the root of your projects directory. It will look something like this:

schema: ./schema/*.graphql # the schemas you want to act on
prettier: ./.prettierrc # an optional prettier file for js/ts files
@sdr/raw-fetch: # config values for the plugins
baseClientLocation: ./baseClient
api/api.ts: # the name of the file to generate
plugins: # the plugins to use on this file
- @sdr/raw-fetch
- @sdr/models

The above sfc.yml file will create a file named api/api.ts that will contain the output from the @sdr/raw-fetch and @sdr/models plugins. The output will look something like:

/* This file was generated by */
/* tslint:disable */
import {BaseClient, ControllerOptions} from './baseClient';
export class UserClient extends BaseClient {
constructor(options: ControllerOptions) {
async login(model: LoginRequest): Promise<LoginResponse> {
try {
let url = this.options.baseUrl + '/user/login?';
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Accept: 'application/json',
} as RequestInit;
options.body = JSON.stringify(model);
const response = await fetch(url, await this.transformOptions(options));
const status = response.status;
const headers: any = {};
if (response.headers && response.headers.forEach) {
response.headers.forEach((v: any, k: any) => (headers[k] = v));
const responseText = await response.text();
if (status === 200) {
return JSON.parse(responseText);
} else {
try {
const body = JSON.parse(responseText);
throw body;
} catch (ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (ex) {
throw ex;
export type Maybe<T> = T | null;
type FixDecorator<T> = T; /** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */
export type Scalars = {
ID: string;
String: string;
Boolean: boolean;
Int: number;
Float: number;
export class LoginResponse {
authorized!: Scalars['Boolean'];
jwt!: Scalars['String'];
export class LoginRequest {
username!: Scalars['String'];